보건 공중도덕, 환경, 안보상의 이유로 이스라엘 정부는 총 17개 제품군의 수입을 금지하고 있는데 주로 생물, 채소류, 과일류, 식품, 음료수, 가스, 위조지폐/동전, 무기, 폭발물질, 마약 등으로 안보에 관련된 품목이 금지품목으로 지정되어 있다.
- Wine, spirits products and grape juice with incorrect geograpical indications
- Matches made from white or yellow phosphorus
- Licentious or indecent films
- Currency note, bank notes or coins which are legal tender in any country or which have been at some time legal tender in any country, whether counterfeit or imitation
- Tickets or publicity items for lottery or gambling
- Sales invoice from that is a form or other paper which purports to be a form which is possible to fill in blank spaces so as to use it as a sales invoice for goods from foreign countries
- Used bags for packaging vegetable material
- Knives, cutlasses, spears and swords having a serrated point or sharp blade, except for knives which are of a kind for professional work or domestic use
- Disruptive instruments of laser special measuring meters
- Firearm resembling a pen, starting pistols, items activated by gas etc
- Nerve gas container resembling a gun
- Games of chance or part of them as defined in the Penal Code
- Goods of all types which carry a false commercial description as defined in the Consumer Protection Law of 1981
- Postal package containing live creatures such as vipers, explosives, inflammable materials and other dangerous packages.
- Used equipment for bee farming
- Goods that can be used as tools for preparing or consuming dangerous drugs as defined in the Dangerous Drug Order
- Goods that can be used to incite violence, terror or racism as defined in Chapter H of the Penal Code
무선통신기기의 경우, 이스라엘 통신부 웹사이트에 공지되어 있는 허가 기종 또는 별도 정부의 허가목록에 등록된 기기만 수입가능하며, 그 외 제품은 수입이 금지되어 있다. 특히, 900 MHz 주역대 무선통신기기는 전면 수입이 금지되어 있다. |